How is Skin Care Made According to Skin Type?

Skin care is very important for our skin to regain its vitality, shine, rejuvenation and renewal. Aging, environmental factors, stress, the foods we eat, sun rays, etc. conditions have negative effects on our skin. There are simple but effective methods that we can apply to eliminate our skin problems, to do regular care and to clean our skin. These methods differ according to the needs of our skin and skin type. Knowing our skin type allows us to decide on the care and products we will use. Skin types are divided into normal, dry, oily, combination, sensitive and mature skin.

Skin Care for Normal Skin

Normal skin is a type of skin that has a normal oil and moisture rate compared to other skins, does not have allergic sensitivity, and does not experience skin problems such as acne and dryness. It rarely looks oily, does not feel dry and does not contain many pores around the face. For this reason, normal skin care is easier than other skin types.

However, skin types can change due to stress, sun rays, climate change, wrong makeup and not applying care. Being a normal skin type, not paying attention to skin care and skin protection is another factor in changing the skin type.

However, skin types can change due to stress, sun rays, climate change, wrong makeup and not applying care. Being a normal skin type, not paying attention to skin care and skin protection is another factor in changing the skin type.

Peeling uygulaması için cildin ihtiyacına göre 1 hafta ile 15 gün arasında bir süre belirlenmeli ve o zaman diliminde uygulanmalıdır. Aksi halde çok sık yapılan peeling işleminin ciltte kuruluğa ve akne sorunlarına yol açtığı bilinmelidir. Normal ciltler için nem dengesini korumak, yağ oranını arttırmamak ve cilt kuruluğuna sebebiyet vermemek önceliklidir. Zaten sağlıklı sayılabilecek, sadece cildi koruyup rutin günlük bakımı yapıldığında yeterli olabilecek bir cilt türüdür. Süt ve yoğurt gibi ürünlerle yüz bakımı yapılmalıdır.

Skin Care for Dry Skin

It is the type of skin that has signs of tension, cracking, dull color and peeling on the skin. It is aimed to eliminate these problems caused by the low water and moisture content of the skin. Eliminating the factors that cause skin dryness is the first step of dry skin care. Avoid interaction with factors that cause skin dryness such as cold air, wind, detergent. Make-up residues on the skin will cut off contact with air and cause dryness. Therefore, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned.

Nem seviyesini artırmak için gün içerisinde bol su almaya ve nemlendirici kullanmaya özen gösterilmelidir. Cildi kurutmayan temizleyiciler kullandıktan sonra derinin alt katmanlarına kadar etkisini gösteren nemlendirici ürünler tercih edilmelidir. Kuru cildin kırışıklıkların artması ve cildin yaşlanması gibi sorunlar oluşturduğu, iyi nemlendirilmiş bir cildin ise daha sağlıklı, parlak ve genç göründüğü unutulmamalıdır.

While applying the peeling process, soft peeling such as micro-granules should be preferred and the skin should be purified from dead skin. Face masks should be made using natural products such as olive oil.

Skin Care for Oily Skin

Excess sebum production, especially in the forehead, nose and chin area, causes a shiny and oily appearance on the skin surface. Excessive secretion of sebum creates problems such as enlarged pores and blackheads. For this reason, cleansers produced for oily skin should be used.

Toning and peeling should be done on certain days of the week. Skin problems should be eliminated by using mineral water or rose water. Moisturizers prepared for oily skin should be preferred. A face mask from applesauce and a mixture of egg white and lemon should be applied. Since the possibility of acne and acne problems may be higher than other skin types, skin health should be protected with medication under the control of a specialist physician.

Skin Care for Sensitive Skin

It is the type of skin that shows allergic reactions and reacts to some cosmetic products. The care of sensitive skin varies according to the needs of the skin and the person.

Natural products should be used and methods that may cause problems such as redness and irritation should be avoided. The skin should be strengthened and the skin should be protected from factors such as sunlight. When going out, sunscreen and creams that do not have a negative effect on the skin should be preferred regularly. Natural face masks such as banana, cucumber and Turkish coffee should be made.

Skin Care for Combination Skin

Combination skin is the skin that varies regionally in moisture content, oiliness and dryness. The forehead, nose and chin area is more oily than other areas. Therefore, instead of products produced for oily skin, products produced for combination skin should be used. Cleaning and peeling processes are very important for this skin type as well as for all skin types. Appropriate humidifiers should be used, since other parts, except for oily parts, need more moisture. The moisture balance of the skin should be maintained by applying natural masks such as cucumber and banana.